Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A Mirage

Found poem, from William Golding's novel Lord of the Flies.

 The shore,
                   was fledged with palm trees,
that reclined against the light reflected by the shimmering water.

The dazzling beach and water,
                                    was blue of all shades and shadowy green and purple.
                        Endless apparently,
water drew to a point of infinity.  

Here and there,
                        little breezes crept over the polished waters beneath the haze of heat.
                                                                                           Above, a palm sapling leaned out over the lagoon, swaying in the sun, 
                      whispering with the wind.
                                                                                       Underneath, brilliant schools of tiny, glittering fish flicked hither and thither.

For a moment,

                                                    note the coolness and shade,

                            feel the sunlight crawling across,

see to the bottom of the open sea,

                                         and believe in the reality of the island.

Friday, March 4, 2011


I hear the loud sounds ringing in my head,
Flashbacks come and haunt me it never rests.
I freeze, then shake, jolting up from my bed,
I have to cope; I need to try my best.

Why is there shouting?  Can’t you both just talk?
We used to link hands, where are your palms now?
Good times we had won’t be wiped out like chalk,
Hardships will work out, you said in your vows.

Are you both staying true, or will you just run?
I thought bonds were eternal, was I wrong?
I’m torn, but the nightmare has just begun.
Can’t you see that you two truly belong?

Please, I beg you both to stop the huge fights,
As I’m sick of pretending to be bright.


Whenever there is a divorce going on in a family with children, the children always suffers the most because they are often put in the middle of the devastating situation and will often have to be the communicator between the two adults and this can be very tiring and frustrating.  They may frequently have to remain neutral on the outside because they don’t want to hurt either parent’s feelings.  I wrote this sonnet because I wanted to help those who are too afraid to speak up during a divorce express their inner feelings and to tell them that they will never have to feel alone in facing this situation.